Nanette’s Healthy Pantry is a specialty grocery store located in Grand Falls, New Brunswick. We offer a wide variety of health products and healthy supplements. We also carry a great selection of fresh produce. As well, you can purchase refills of deodorant & kombucha at Nanette’s, so remember to bring your own containers to fill up!
In addition, we have a professional and knowledgeable nutritionist on hand to assist with questions you may have.
Food Products (Unpackaged/Bulk/Refillable):
- Fresh fruits & vegetables
- Beverages & beverage mixes
Lifestyle Items (plastic-free, reusable):
- Water bottles
House & home products (plastic-free; unpackaged/refillable or reusable):
- Wax food wraps (beeswax - vegan)
Personal Care Items (unpackaged/refillable or reusable; plastic-free):
- Bath bombs
- Deodorant (cream - bar - stick)
- Hand soap (liquid - bar)
Here are some of the brands we stock:
Flosspot | Choose your bottle and refill for life; never buy plastic floss again.
Based in, Galt, Ontario